You just got back from vacation. While you were gone you took part in activities that involved rich food, a lot of drinks, late nights, and more sun than usual. After all the junk food, alcohol, coffee and sugar that you've eaten over the past few days or weeks, your body is going to be in dire need of some nutrients. As you return from your well deserved 'fun in the sun', you might be feeling a little sluggish or maybe even 'out of sorts'. The upset stomach, body aches, pounding headache, dry skin, and fatigue are just a few of the consequences we have to look forward to after a vacation or holiday. Even if you didn't binge on your vacation, you probably abandoned your everyday routine. Your body will likely need some time to clear out all these toxins in order for you to feel like yourself again.
Here are 6 ways to help reset your body after an indulgent vacation:
Ease back to your normal routine
Vacations are great for recharging and restoring your energy but it's also easy to fall into a routine of excess while away from your everyday hustle and bustle and then have a difficult time returning to the normal routine of day-to-day life. It can be challenging to switch gears after your vacation. Don't try to dive head first back into the thick of your schedule. Give yourself time to get re-adjusted. The first thing you should do is check the calendar for anything you may have missed or any important appointments/dates or deadlines that are coming up. Prioritize the most essential tasks first, and slowly incorporate things that can wait. Make a visible list of things you need to get done. Make a note of things like unpacking your suitcase or getting new groceries. The ability to cross off those easy items from your list will give you a boost of energy and a feeling of accomplishment. Also be honest with yourself about what you can do and what will actually happen. If you need a few days to recharge before you start up your gym schedule, or if you need to take an extra day off to catch up on sleep, give yourself some grace.
Cut back on caffeinated beverages
If you're addicted to caffeine and have been drinking too much coffee or tea throughout your trip, cut back when you get home. Caffeine is a stimulant that affects your entire body — including your heart rate and blood pressure. If you're used to drinking several cups of coffee or tea every day, reduce it gradually so that your body doesn't experience withdrawal symptoms. This is especially important for people who drink multiple cups of caffeinated beverages a day; going cold turkey might lead to headaches or fatigue. Instead of quitting cold turkey, try gradually reducing your daily intake by 25 percent each week until you get down to just one caffeinated beverage per day, then stick to that amount for two weeks before decreasing it again. If you feel you need your daily coffee, have one cup in the morning, then stick to lower caffeine or caffeine-free beverages for the rest of the day. Purple tea gives you a fraction of the caffeine, but all of the benefits. Enjoy a boost of energy and great taste without the jittery crash, or upset stomach that comes with caffeine overindulgence.
Get lots of hydration
Drinking plenty of fluids helps keep your body hydrated and flushes out toxins that can lead to constipation and bloating after indulging in rich foods while traveling. Drinking purple tea also helps dilute the nutrients coming into your gastrointestinal tract. If you're not used to eating a lot of salt or sugar all at once, then this could be an issue to your digestive system causing upset stomach, heartburn, or IBS. Keep drinking your fluids like purple tea to flush out excess sodium from all those heavy meals like pizza and pasta, alcoholic beverages; salty snacks like chips or pretzels; and processed meats like sausage or ham. You could even give these foods up for a couple of weeks post-vacation in order to allow your body to readjust to a new healthy routine, and to reduce cravings.
Get plenty of rest
Travel and vacation can mess up a lot of your normal routines, especially your sleep schedule. While enjoying your time across time zones, or in new environments, you can end up losing sleep hours, or even staying up all night without noticing it, however, your body will definitely suffer the consequences. Both your mind and body need adequate rest. Without proper sleep you can feel sluggish, groggy, imbalanced, mentally foggy, and just not like yourself. Sleep deprivation can also lead to weight gain because it affects hormones that regulate appetite; getting back on track with a regular sleep schedule will help restore those hormones so you're less likely to crave sugar and carbs for energy boost. Get back into your sleep groove before you even end your vacation. Make plans to wake up and go to sleep according to your normal time at least a day or two before you make your return home. Once you are home, add a day of "rest" where you stay in and catch up on your sleep in comfortable and familiar surroundings. To help you get to bed, drink a bottle of purple tea before bedtime to help induce sleepiness without disrupting digestion during the night.
Avoid highly processed foods and added sugars
While we hope vacationers aren't too consumed with counting calories and macros, there are several changes you can make to help your body return to normal after an overindulgent vacation. Reduce the amount of salt and sugar you consume by eating less processed food and avoiding heavy, greasy, fast food restaurants. Salt can make bloating, digestion, and fatigue worse if you have overindulged on rich food while traveling. Sugar can cause fatigue, weight gain, and also affect your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food and water, so it’s important to reduce these two ingredients in any meal that you plan to enjoy after an overindulgent vacation. As delicious as it may taste, junk foods and processed foods are not a substitute for real food. Your body needs foods that provide beneficial nutrients and vitamins to keep it functioning at its best. Give yourself a break from the junk once you’ve returned home by enjoying home cooked meals that are low in sodium and high in fiber. Eat more fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Fiber helps slow down digestion so you feel full longer instead of reaching for another snack or helping yourself to seconds before finishing what's on your plate. Add an extra serving of vegetables at every meal — especially green leafy ones such as spinach or kale — and drink purple tea with your meals which contain antioxidants that help fight free radicals as well as reduce any inflammation in your body caused by too much sodium.
Get moving (but don't push yourself)
If you haven't been exercising regularly during your trip, start small with a 15-minute walk each day for the first week back home before increasing intensity or duration of exercise over time. Even if it's just a brisk walk, get moving! It will help jump-start circulation and metabolism after a week of sitting around eating delicious food. If you are still feeling sluggish after returning home from vacation, try some yoga or meditation exercises as well as deep breathing exercises each morning before getting out of bed. Yoga helps stretch out tight muscles and joints while deep breathing helps relax the body so it can return to its normal state faster than usual after being overindulged on rich foods during.
The post-vacation blues are a real thing. But if you feel like your body has been turned upside down and inside out, the good news is that there are several things you can do to help reset your system back to normal. The key is to start with small changes in your diet and lifestyle until you get back into your wellness groove. The more changes you can make in your routine, the better your chances are of coming out unscathed once your vacation ends. When you need MORE to help you feel like yourself again, grab yourself a bottle (or three) of Purpose Tea. You can stock up on your favorite flavors right here on our site.